Personal Consumption Expenditures: Car Repairs & Maintenance

Personal Consumption Expenditures: Car Repairs & Maintenance

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It is also important to note significant statistics about this industry to give a more thorough insight into the world of the best body shop in Los Angeles. Let’s now explore the 4 interesting facts about the auto repair industry. A segment of the automobile industry is repair and maintenance, and this area alone, is a giant one in the United States, where consumers spend much on it. From the survey details, approximately$1,200 is spent by the average American car owner on car maintenance and repairs annually.

Preventative Maintenance

This entails that a significant amount of this spending is geared towards those auto body shop Los Angeles CA services that aim to prevent other ones from being necessary such as oil changes, tire rotations, and brake services. This adds up to the overall cost of the car since it includes additional costs such as regular maintenance that prevents more expensive repairs later on and also contributes to the life expectancy of the car.

Unexpected Repairs

This annual expense results from regular maintenance but unplanned repairs that may accompany accidents, broken parts, or even old age of specific parts. Such repairs are common on old models, and the probability of experiencing such an eventuality rises with the age of the car.

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